- Black Inks
- Color Inks
- Black Light Inks
- Cheyenne Supplies
- Ink Accessories
- Disposable Tubes
- Needle Cartridges
- Tattoo Needles
- Tattoo Machines
- Grips & Tips
- Machine Parts
- Power Supplies
- Tattoo Kits
- Medical Supplies
- Stencil Supplies
- Stencil Machines
- Flash Books
- Instructional DVDs
- Aftercares
- Topical Analgesics
- Equipments & Furnitures
- Travel & Machine Cases
- Package Deals
- Permanent Makeup Supplies
- Temporary Tattoo
- Piercing Supplies
- Airbrush Supplies
Mixing Color And Drawing On Permanent Makeup Made Easy
Mixing Color And Drawing On Permanent Makeup Made Easy DVD
This three-in-one professionally produced DVD can help you… #1 Learn from custom color charts the most popular colors that ladies request, increase your selection of colors by knowing how to mix additional popular colors with just a few colors and what colors every Permanent Makeup Artist should carry. (No specific company’s colors are mentioned on this DVD.) #2 Diagrams and pictures on how to draw on and enhance brows, eyes and lips for Permanent Makeup. #3 Included FREE on this DVD a $39.95 value “20 Tips on How to Make Permanent Makeup a Rewarding Career” DVD. A must have!!